Line plotting page

Experimental plotting worksheet maker

This tool is designed to make plotting worksheets. Draw line segments on the grid below by selecting Draw from the drop down box (or press 'd'). Then click and drag. Blue lines should appear.
To edit an existing line switch the selector to Edit (or press 'e'). This allows you to move lines by moving their endpoints.
To have some of the lines predrawn,switch the selector to PreDraw (or press 'e'). This allows you to change lines to switch between green and blue lines. Green lines are drawn on the worksheet.
To remove lines,switch the selector to remove (or press 'r'). Click on the red dot to remove a given line segment
To use an image as a template, find a square-ish image on the Internet and copy it's location into the text box.
Once your image is drawn Enter the appropriate information in the boxes below the coordinate plane. Then click the make worksheet button. Print to file to get a pdf of your new worksheet.

Pre-made Image section

Select pre-made plot

Properties of the worksheet

Quadrent 1 or full plane
Select the x step size
Select the y step size
Line equations or points
Pick the number of lines that the student draws

Drawing plane

drawing options

Custom Image section

Use the inputs below to adjust the position and size of the image.

Formatting the worksheet

Once happy with your shape and settings, edit the title and descripition as needed. Hit the make worksheet button. Then try print preview.
The worksheet should be set up. You may have to adjust the number of columns to make everything fit.
Hit make worksheet after you make changes to recreate the new worksheet.

Number of columns
Title of worksheet
Subtitle of worksheet
Check to shuffle order lines are drawn.
(Default is the order they are drawn.)

